PHP Depend - Software Metrics for PHP

Version 0.10.2

:Author: Manuel Pichler :Copyright: All rights reserved :Description: We are proud to announce the latest release of PHP_Depend, version 0.10.2. This version closes two minor bugfixes in PHP_Depend and implements three new features, with totally four new software metrics that can be calculated. Beside that we have changed the source directory structure to a maven like standard layout. :Keywords: Release, Version, Features, Bugfixes, Software metrics, Maven layout, Release announcement

We are proud to announce that version 0.10.2 of PHP_Depend was released
on February the 27th 2011. This release of PHP_Depend closes two bugs. One
related to the start and end line properties of object property nodes in the
syntax tree. The second fix closes a bug in PHP_Depend's implementation of the WMCi metric. Beside these two fixes this release implements three minor
features, one design issue in the syntax tree api and the other two other
features are related to the new metrics CE, CA, CBO and NPM.

Additionally we have restructured PHP_Depend's directory structure from a custom, freestyle format to a directory layout that is similar to maven's convention. With this change we have fixed several issues and workarounds in PHP_Depend's build process.




Download the latest version of PHP_Depend here.