PHP Depend - Software Metrics for PHP

PHP_Depend 0.9.14 bugfix release

:Abstract: Today we have released the bugfix version 0.9.14 of PHP_Depend. The software metrics tool for PHP applications. This release contains two bugfixes. The first one closes an issue in PHP_Depend's file cache engine and the second one closes a minor issue, where PHP_Depend throws an exception with an empty exception message.

Today we have released the bugfix version 0.9.14 of PHP_Depend. The software metrics tool for PHP applications. This release contains two bugfixes. The first one closes an issue in PHP_Depend's file cache engine and the second one closes a minor issue, where PHP_Depend throws an exception with an empty exception message.

As always, you can get the latest PHP_Depend version from its PEAR channel: :

mapi@arwen ~ $ pear channel-discover
mapi@arwen ~ $ pear install pdepend/PHP_Depend-beta

Or you can fetch the sources from the subversion reposition: :

mapi@arwen ~ $ svn co pdepend

And additionally you can find a repository mirror on github: :

mapi@arwen ~ $ git clone git://