PHP Depend - Software Metrics for PHP

Last release candidate 0.10.0RC3

:Author: Manuel Pichler :Copyright: All rights reserved :Keywords: Release announcement, PHP_Depend, 0.10.0RC3, bug, ignore :Description: We are proud to announce the third PHP_Depend 0.10.0 release candidate. It fixes a behavior change bug in the PHP_Depend's input component that
was introduced in release 0.10.0RC1.

Yesterday we have released the third release candidate 0.10.0RC3 of PHP_Depend, that will hopefully the last one before the final release of 0.10.0. In this release we have closes two bugs. The first bug already exist for a longer time in PHP_Depend. The line numbers and columns of some abstract syntax tree nodes weren't set. The second bug was introduced in release
0.10.0RC1 and it has changed the behavior of the --ignore= option in such a way, that absolute paths weren't ignored anymore.

As always, you can get the latest PHP_Depend version from its PEAR channel:

~ $ pear channel-discover
~ $ pear install pdepend/PHP_Depend-beta

you can fetch the sources from the project's GitHub reposition:

~ $ git clone git://

Or download the latest version of PHP_Depend as a Phar archive:

~ $ wget

So please download, test this release candidate and if an issue pops up,
report it in PHP_Depend's issue tracker.