PHP Depend - Software Metrics for PHP

Version 1.1.0 released

:Author: Manuel Pichler :Copyright: All rights reserved :Description: This release makes PHP_Depend ready for PHP 5.4 traits. :Keywords: Release, Version, Trait, bugfixes

We are proud to announce that version 1.1.0 of PHP_Depend was released on September the 12th 2012. This release closes a critical issue in the context of traits handling.

With this release we make composer a first citizen distribution channel of PHP_Depend, just add PHP_Depend as a dependency to your composer.json :

    "require": {

        "pdepend/pdepend" : "1.1.0"

Then install Composer in your project (or download the composer.phar directly):

~ $ curl -s | php

And finally let Composer install the project dependencies:

~ $ php composer.phar install


Download the latest version of PHP_Depend as a Phar archive, Composer dependency or through PHP_Depend's PEAR Channel Server.