PHP Depend - Software Metrics for PHP

Getting started

This guide will give a short introduction howto install and use the PHP_Depend software analyzer and metric tool.


The Phar Archive

Note: This section is work in progress and not complete at the moment.


GitHub Repository


You should test that PHP_Depend was correctly installed and can be used from the command line:

~ $ pdepend --version
PHP_Depend 0.9.4 by Manuel Pichler

Now that PHP_Depend was installed correct and works, run PHP_Depend against its own source and generate an XML report and some charts.

~ $ pdepend --summary-xml=/tmp/summary.xml \
                       --jdepend-chart=/tmp/jdepend.svg \
                       --overview-pyramid=/tmp/pyramid.svg \
PHP_Depend 0.9.4 by Manuel Pichler

Parsing source files:
............................................................    60
............................                                    88

Executing NPathComplexity-Analyzer:
...........................................                    869

Executing Coupling-Analyzer:
...........................................................   1193

Executing NodeCount-Analyzer:
.................................                              677

Executing Dependency-Analyzer:
...................................                            703

Executing Hierarchy-Analyzer:
...........................................                    880

Executing Inheritance-Analyzer:
.....................                                          421

Executing CodeRank-Analyzer:
......                                                         126

Executing CyclomaticComplexity-Analyzer:
...........................................                    869

Executing ClassLevel-Analyzer:
.......................................                        783

Executing NodeLoc-Analyzer:
...............................................                951

Generating pdepend log files, this may take a moment.

Time: 00:13; Memory: 15.00Mb

This command has produced one XML-report named summary.xml that contains a summary of all metrics collected for the analyzed php source code. :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<metrics ahh="0.19444444444444" andc="0.46268656716418" calls="1406" ccn="1203" ccn2="1237" cloc="11657" clsa="7" clsc="60" eloc="6528" fanout="571" leafs="59" loc="20078" maxDIT="2" ncloc="8421" noc="67" nof="0" noi="21" nom="578" nop="11" roots="5">
    <file name="/usr/local/pear/PEAR/PDepend/Parser.php" cloc="324" eloc="534" loc="997" ncloc="673"/>
    <file name="/usr/local/pear/PEAR/PDepend/StorageRegistry.php" cloc="81" eloc="18" loc="103" ncloc="22"/>
  <package name="PHP_Depend" cr="1.3005761647303" noc="3" nof="0" noi="4" nom="51" rcr="0.50515422957667">
    <class name="\PDepend\Source\Language\PHP\AbstractPHPParser" cis="12" cloc="250" cr="0.15" csz="113" dit="0" eloc="526" impl="1" loc="913" ncloc="663" nom="20" rcr="0.1925" vars="6" varsi="6" varsnp="0" wmc="107" wmci="107" wmcnp="12">
      <file name="/usr/local/pear/PEAR/PDepend/Parser.php"/>
      <method name="__construct" ccn="1" ccn2="1" cloc="0" eloc="4" loc="6" ncloc="6" npath="1"/>
      <method name="_consumeComments" ccn="3" ccn2="3" cloc="0" eloc="10" loc="12" ncloc="12" npath="3"/>
    <class name="PHP_Depend_StorageRegistry" cis="3" cloc="25" cr="0.15" csz="4" dit="0" eloc="15" impl="0" loc="43" ncloc="18" nom="2" rcr="0.15" vars="1" varsi="1" varsnp="0" wmc="3" wmci="3" wmcnp="3">
      <file name="/usr/local/pear/PEAR/PDepend/StorageRegistry.php"/>
      <method name="get" ccn="2" ccn2="2" cloc="0" eloc="7" loc="8" ncloc="8" npath="2"/>
      <method name="set" ccn="1" ccn2="1" cloc="0" eloc="3" loc="4" ncloc="4" npath="1"/>

And you will get two charts. The first one shows the inter package dependencies, similar to those charts generated by JDepend and the second one shows a visual summary of the analyzed project source code.

Package chart as described by Uncle Bob Martin Metrics overview pyramid as described by Michele Lanza

You should read the software metrics section of the documentation for further details on the metrics generated by PHP_Depend.