This guide will give a short introduction howto install and use the PHP_Depend software analyzer and metric tool.
Note: This section is work in progress and not complete at the moment.
You should test that PHP_Depend was correctly installed and can be used from the command line:
~ $ pdepend --version
PHP_Depend 0.9.4 by Manuel Pichler
Now that PHP_Depend was installed correct and works, run PHP_Depend against its own source and generate an XML report and some charts.
~ $ pdepend --summary-xml=/tmp/summary.xml \
--jdepend-chart=/tmp/jdepend.svg \
--overview-pyramid=/tmp/pyramid.svg \
PHP_Depend 0.9.4 by Manuel Pichler
Parsing source files:
............................................................ 60
............................ 88
Executing NPathComplexity-Analyzer:
........................................... 869
Executing Coupling-Analyzer:
........................................................... 1193
Executing NodeCount-Analyzer:
................................. 677
Executing Dependency-Analyzer:
................................... 703
Executing Hierarchy-Analyzer:
........................................... 880
Executing Inheritance-Analyzer:
..................... 421
Executing CodeRank-Analyzer:
...... 126
Executing CyclomaticComplexity-Analyzer:
........................................... 869
Executing ClassLevel-Analyzer:
....................................... 783
Executing NodeLoc-Analyzer:
............................................... 951
Generating pdepend log files, this may take a moment.
Time: 00:13; Memory: 15.00Mb
This command has produced one XML-report named summary.xml that contains a summary of all metrics collected for the analyzed php source code. :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<metrics ahh="0.19444444444444" andc="0.46268656716418" calls="1406" ccn="1203" ccn2="1237" cloc="11657" clsa="7" clsc="60" eloc="6528" fanout="571" leafs="59" loc="20078" maxDIT="2" ncloc="8421" noc="67" nof="0" noi="21" nom="578" nop="11" roots="5">
<file name="/usr/local/pear/PEAR/PDepend/Parser.php" cloc="324" eloc="534" loc="997" ncloc="673"/>
<file name="/usr/local/pear/PEAR/PDepend/StorageRegistry.php" cloc="81" eloc="18" loc="103" ncloc="22"/>
<package name="PHP_Depend" cr="1.3005761647303" noc="3" nof="0" noi="4" nom="51" rcr="0.50515422957667">
<class name="\PDepend\Source\Language\PHP\AbstractPHPParser" cis="12" cloc="250" cr="0.15" csz="113" dit="0" eloc="526" impl="1" loc="913" ncloc="663" nom="20" rcr="0.1925" vars="6" varsi="6" varsnp="0" wmc="107" wmci="107" wmcnp="12">
<file name="/usr/local/pear/PEAR/PDepend/Parser.php"/>
<method name="__construct" ccn="1" ccn2="1" cloc="0" eloc="4" loc="6" ncloc="6" npath="1"/>
<method name="_consumeComments" ccn="3" ccn2="3" cloc="0" eloc="10" loc="12" ncloc="12" npath="3"/>
<class name="PHP_Depend_StorageRegistry" cis="3" cloc="25" cr="0.15" csz="4" dit="0" eloc="15" impl="0" loc="43" ncloc="18" nom="2" rcr="0.15" vars="1" varsi="1" varsnp="0" wmc="3" wmci="3" wmcnp="3">
<file name="/usr/local/pear/PEAR/PDepend/StorageRegistry.php"/>
<method name="get" ccn="2" ccn2="2" cloc="0" eloc="7" loc="8" ncloc="8" npath="2"/>
<method name="set" ccn="1" ccn2="1" cloc="0" eloc="3" loc="4" ncloc="4" npath="1"/>
And you will get two charts. The first one shows the inter package dependencies, similar to those charts generated by JDepend and the second one shows a visual summary of the analyzed project source code.
You should read the software metrics section of the documentation for further details on the metrics generated by PHP_Depend.