PHP Depend - Software Metrics for PHP

PHP_Depend 0.9.13 bugfix release

:Abstract: Today we have released the bugfix version 0.9.13 of PHP_Depend, the tool to measure several software metrics for your PHP application. This release fixes two critical bugs. One in the tokenizer implementation, which has modified valid code under test in such a way, that it has become invalid PHP code. The second fix is related to PHP_Depends's test code, where a missing require_once statement has caused a E_FATAL while running the test suite in process isolation.

Today we have released the bugfix version 0.9.13 of PHP_Depend, the tool to measure several software metrics for your PHP application. This release fixes two critical bugs. One in the tokenizer implementation, which has
modified valid code under test in such a way, that it has become invalid PHP code. The second fix is related to PHP_Depends's test code, where a missing require_once statement has caused a E_FATAL while running the test suite in process isolation.

As always, you can get the latest PHP_Depend version from its PEAR channel: :

mapi@arwen ~ $ pear channel-discover
mapi@arwen ~ $ pear install pdepend/PHP_Depend-beta

Or you can fetch the sources from the subversion reposition: :

mapi@arwen ~ $ svn co pdepend

And additionally you can find a repository mirror on github: :

mapi@arwen ~ $ git clone git://